California Extended Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program (Extended CWWAPP)


The Extended CWWAPP is a state program to provide financial relief to eligible customers who fell behind on their water utility bill payments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Extended CWWAPP relief reduces qualified customers’ eligible debt through a credit applied by the utility on customers’ accounts from funds remitted by the state on behalf of customers.  

Golden State Water Company (Golden State Water) participated in the Extended CWWAPP by submitting an application on behalf of its qualified customers with unpaid water utility bills that were incurred between June 16, 2021, and December 31, 2022, and were over 60 days past due. The Extended CWWAPP relief funds are provided by the state of California and are funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). Customers do not have to apply to receive this assistance.

How will I know if I qualify for a CWWAPP benefit?

Golden State Water is responsible for applying the Extended CWWAPP funds that it received on behalf of its eligible customers by crediting their accounts. The credit on their water utility bills will appear with the description, “CWWAPP State Credit Funded by ARPA.”

For more information on how customers’ eligibility and bill credit amounts were determined, please see click here.

What if I still owe a remaining balance after the Extended CWWAPP billing credit has been applied to my account?

Under the Extended CWWAPP, Golden State Water is required to offer payment plans to customers with remaining balances after receiving their Extended CWWAPP credits. Contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-999-4033 to learn about payment plans and other programs that may be available to help you pay your bills. You may also set up a payment plan by clicking here and selecting the Request a Pay Plan option.

Golden State Water received funds from the CWWAPP in March 2022 and the Extended CWWAPP in April 2024. A total of $12,800,000 in bill credits have been applied to qualified customers’ accounts.  

Find out more about the California Extended Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program by clicking here.