Water Quality

Water Quality

Water Quality

Commitment to Water Quality

Golden State Water Company is committed to providing our customers with water that meets all state and federal drinking water standards. With more than 500 highly qualified employees, our expert team at Golden State Water includes scientists and engineers whose top priority is protecting the quality of your water supply.

To ensure the quality of your drinking water, Golden State Water regularly monitors and tests for more than 230 regulated and unregulated contaminants in each of our 39 water systems and is continuously tracking state and federal regulations as they evolve. If contaminants are detected through testing, they are listed in a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) that is shared annually with customers. It is important to know that most of the contaminants we test for are not found, and therefore not listed in the CCRs.

Water quality test results are directly submitted by a State certified laboratory to the State of California’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW) and recorded on the State’s website for full transparency. Click here to view test results on the DDW website.

If you have questions regarding drinking water regulations or information about your local drinking water, please feel free to contact our 24/7 customer service center at 800.999.4033 and ask to speak with your local Water Quality Engineer.

Click here for the list all of the contaminants the State of California’s Division of Drinking Water (DDW) requires that Golden State Water test for, along with their maximum contaminant level (MCL) and detection limit for purposes of reporting (DLR).

Resources for Additional Information

State Water Resources Control Board


Annual Water Quality Reports

As part of Golden State Water Company’s ongoing commitment to providing high quality water, the company annually provides customers, state and local health agencies and community leaders with Water Quality Reports. The reports provide detailed information about your water quality and the effort we make to ensure any water quality issues are fully addressed. Click on an Annual Water Quality Report below to learn more.


Lead Drinking Water Standards

Recent media reports in some parts of the country have highlighted concerns related to elevated levels of lead in the drinking water.

Golden State Water would like to assure customers that we monitor and test regularly to ensure the water we deliver to customers meets all state and federal drinking water standards, including those for lead and copper as found in the Revised Lead and Copper Rule. 




Everybody knows that hydrants are essential to provide water for fire protection, but they also serve a critical role in ensuring customers receive reliable, quality water service at their home or business.

Hydrants are necessary to flush the underground water system, improving water quality by removing mineral and sediment deposits that accumulate over time. While not harmful to customers, the substances can cause aesthetic water quality issues when they are not periodically flushed from the system.


Types of Contaminants

Golden State Water’s team regularly monitors and tests for more than 230 regulated and unregulated contaminants in each of our 39 water systems.


Cross-Connection Control Protection Program

Golden State Water Company (GSWC) is committed to providing our customers with water that meets all state and federal drinking water standards. This precious resource, once it enters businesses and homes, gets used in many ways; some of which may pose a potential contamination risk to the water supply. Ensuring that the integrity of our community water supply is maintained in the systems is therefore a responsibility that GSWC must also extend to you, our customer.