

While Cypress Ridge experienced historical precipitation in 2023, the rainfall did not sufficiently recharge local groundwater basins, the area’s primary water source. Until conditions improve, communities dependent on groundwater remain in Stage Two, and mandatory restrictions with surcharges for water use above allocations remain in effect. Surcharges are the most effective tool to protect local groundwater supplies, especially during summer.

Important Drought Notice:

Golden State Water Company’s Cypress Ridge and Nipomo customers are required to reduce water usage by 20% as compared to 2020.

System Reduction goal Actual reduction *
Cypress Ridge 20% -7%
Nipomo 20% -8%

*Actual reduction (compared to 2020 usage)

In order to achieve the mandatory reductions, the following Staged Mandatory Water Conservation and Rationing plan has been filed for the local water system.

Current Stage: Stage 2, effective September 19, 2021

Stage 1: Outdoor irrigation recommended no more than three days per week, before 8 AM or after 7 PM; even addresses on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, odd addresses on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

Stage 2: Outdoor irrigation limited to two days per week, before 8 AM or after 7 PM; even addresses on Sunday and Wednesday, odd addresses on Tuesday and Saturday; $2.50 emergency surcharge per CcF over allocation

Stage 3: Irrigation restrictions from Stage 2; $5 emergency surcharge per CcF over allocation

Stage 4: Irrigation restrictions from Stage 2; $7.50 emergency surcharge per CcF over allocation

Stage 5: Irrigation restrictions from Stage 2; $10 emergency surcharge per CcF over allocation

Stage 6: Irrigation restrictions from Stage 2; $15 emergency surcharge per CcF over allocation

Additional Resources

Water Conservation School