Assistance Programs

Assistance Programs


We recognize that some customers may have difficulty covering expenses. See if you qualify for our financial assistance programs.


Customer Assistance Program

Golden State Water recognizes that some customers may have difficulty covering expenses, and proudly offers a monthly credit for low-income customers who qualify for the Customer Assistance  Program.

Customers who participate in the California Alternative Rates for Energy (CARE) program would also qualify for the monthly water bill credit and are encouraged to enroll by submitting a signed CAP application (EnglishSpanish) with a copy of their current utility bill showing CAP eligibility to Golden State Water. Qualifying customers not currently enrolled in CARE should submit a completed and signed CAP application to Golden State Water.


Military Family Relief Program

If you or your spouse is called to full-time active military service by the President of the United States or the Governor of California during a time of declared national or state emergency or war, you may apply for a 180-day period shut-off protection for residential water service. The MFRP only defers the time of payment of all water charges and does not waive or cancel them.

Fill out this application to apply for the MFRP at your residence, and submit it to the Golden State Water Company. You will receive the MFRP shutoff protection benefit after Golden State Water Company receives, verifies and approves your completed and signed application.


Emergency Disaster Relief Program

Golden State Water Company (Golden State Water) has an Emergency Disaster Relief Program that provides protections for residential and small business customers impacted by a public health emergency, wildfire or other natural disaster. The program complies with California Public Utilities Commission Resolution No. M-4833 and Decision No. 19-07-015.


California Extended Water and Wastewater Arrearage Payment Program (Extended CWWAPP)

The Extended CWWAPP is a state program to provide financial relief to eligible customers who fell behind on their water utility bill payments because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Extended CWWAPP relief reduces qualified customers’ eligible debt through a credit applied by the utility on customers’ accounts from funds remitted by the state on behalf of customers.